PUSH BC Corporation (d.b.a. PUSHBeaver County) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that organizes and manages philanthropic and community events to enrich Beaver Countians' lives.
Thank You everyone who participated. Our winner is Dottie-John McCue. Big Congrats on your win!! Feeling Lucky on this St. Patty's Day weekend? One person will win $100 in Pa. St. Patty's Day Scratch offs, A pair of tickets to the The Beaver County Maple Syrup and Music Festival, 1/2 pint of Pa pure maple syrup, A box of Rosalind Candy, and two Mr. Squishies. All you have to do is tell us your favorite flavor of ice cream in the comments below, share this post, and like our page if you don't already. Winner picked at noon on Saturday. We will direct message. If in comments it's a scam don't click. PUSH Beaver County , Beaver County Maple Syrup & Music Festival. @followers ... See MoreSee Less
HAPPY 225th BIRTHDAY BEAVER COUNTY!IT HAPPENED TODAY-MARCH 12, 1800–IN HISTORY. Beaver County was founded. A lot has happened since our founding. Think about all the industries that have been part of our area. They are, but not limited to: farming, railroad, wide variety of manufacturing, steel, nuclear power, retail, petrochemical, cyber school and charter schools.BEAVER COUNTY MOTTO:Divided by its rivers,United by our people.#vicarymansion #beavercounty ... See MoreSee Less